Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday Morning You Look So Fine: Savuka.

Oh shit... it happened again. Took forever to update. Hopefully that'll change, now that I have finally finished with work I have been concentrating on since December last year... the last aspect of that was emailed off just before 9 this morning; more on that later. For now, you can check back to this post regularly for updates from January onwards... no kidding. Its been that long.

In the meantime, I am adding a little bit of structure; Monday mornings are a time I need to crank the iTunes up full and make sure there's a full pot of coffee in the ol' Russell Hobbs. It can be hard to get the week started. So I'll be posting lyrics that help me do so and where possible, I'll add photos to the mix (no prizes for guessing where the post's title comes from though, hey Paul?)

'They said I should learn to speak a little bit of English,
Don't be scared of a suit and tie.
Learn to walk in the dreams of the foreigner.
I am a Third World Child.' - Savuka

One of my favourite songs by Johnny Clegg, in English, that is. And the most powerful part of it, for people who know it. The photograph is from his performance at OppiAarde, in Potch last year. He owned that stage... as he only allows photographers to shoot for one song, I thought it was a loss; but he started with an extended medley, and really delivered. I have never never seen a musician open up like that for the first song... and this at the age of 53! The man is a legend.




Blogger G-Man™ said...

hey man, awesome photo!

captured the moment at just the right time! Loving the contrast!



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