Monday Morning You Look So Fine: Springbok Nude Girls

Something strange I realised at this year's Oppiaarde fetsival in Potchesfstroom... my memories of the Springbok Nude Girls go back quite a long way, yet I had never photographed them live, until that night. Arno (the bass player, not the singer) wanted to know if there was a way that I could get all five members in a shot doing what they do best in one way or another... not exactly the easiest thing to get right on a stage the size of the one they were on, but I remember being quite windgat to Wynand once I got the above shot. Another good moment of that night (and I only had three songs to get anything) was the fact that Arno (the singer this time) was rocking it in black jeans and a tee and running shoes; not as suave a figure as he cuts when onstage with his solo project, but a big part of what always appealed to me in the case of the Nude Girls: that "I-could-care-less" attitude.
That attitude seems to be held by some of their fans as well though... while refreshing myself on the lyrics of a song that always used to stick in my head (and a true crowd pleaser live) I had to wonder: are there not some mistakes in these lyrics?
" We're gonna grow you up slowly
We're gonna chain you steal
Sand in the hand
We'll tell you in the end
Nester things and slumber
While I feed my arms for love murder..." - Springbok Nude Girls
Nice wide angle from behind the drum kit. By the way, how did you get back there (permissions etc)?
I know the band members, the stage manager and the organisers, and they in turn know me, and that I go to great lengths to remain inconspicuous and out of the way of anything technical... I hope.
That, and I am a ninja.
Well connected I see.
I really like your work (and blog). Keep it up.
Yeah, piss take aside, it helps. But it took me a long time to get there, and a long time for the powers that be to trust me. It helped that I had played on some of Oppikoppi's stages before, and that I had been shooting the festival since 98...
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