"Maybe It Was Injuns."
A long day... very early in the morning, and already in the car, winding my way t'wrds Jozi, to shoot the leads of Footskating 101 for blunt Magazine. God knows how or why we eventually wound up as we did, wired and subconsciously re-enacting a Coen Brothers classic in a faux forest in Bryanston... maye it was injuns. What you see here is a quieter moment from the shoot... to see more, you are going to have to grab hold of the next issue, on shelves August 20th. Rob van Vuuren (knees) had just gotten back from holiday, and Brendan Jack (cop jacket) was hard at work in a sound studio adding final touches to the film, which is set for a 14 September release date. Like Crazy Monkey before it, Footskating is already cult fodder on MTV and I am keen to see it on the big screen. I caught a trailer the other day, and I see my favourite line from the previous film is referenced... (I actually meant to ask you about the "Stop frowing me wif couscous", Brendan.)Speaking of referencing films, I was stoked to find Brendan enjoys classic cinema and obscure Wings songs almost as much as I do... after the initial portraits were shot, the guys, myself and Craig and Yusuf of blunt headed into "the wilderness" of Bryanston and began riffing. We eventually found our way to Miller's Crossing, as Rob and Brendan got all method on me and proceeded to deliver take after take after take for the camera; I think there is a video of it somewhere. Regardless, I was loving it. I owe it to Craig McKune, now blunt's editor, for taking a gamble and steering the whole "cover shoot" thing in a different direction. To see how it all pans out, scan the shelves for Brendan's mug come late August... and for things concerning this blog, check here (at the bottom) for updates.Later.
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