Be True.

At this stage, I am exhausted. Seems I have been typing and blogging for days. But yeah... what you see here is the fruits of a frenetic campaign handled by Trigger for Nike, as they made plans to relaunch Nike Dunks in the context of AIDS Awareness, on the eve of World Aids Day and the 46664 concert (from what I gather... I have been awake a long time and worked many sleepless nights on this, so I may be off on the final intention.) The entire exhibition/event was pulled together in an insanely short time, thanks to the efforts of Trigger (Gustav, Tersia, Gavin and in particular Jane and Roelof) and Jodie Stinson-Ennik.
Three photographers were tasked to portray eight individuals in an evocative manner, not to be branded but to reflect the spirit of what Nike aimed to do (and has already done with Dunks, even in skateboarding.) Six of the names I put forward were accepted, and I got to shoot four of them. I am pleased to be involved, though I admit to being a bit out of my element at the launch event, standing between Corrine Bailey Rae and Ludacris, looking at huge prints of my photos... wha? As it is, turns out I knew many of the people working the event, from sound and lights to journalists to waiters. And I drank my Coke out of the can.
Below are links to the subjects on the days I photographed them, as well as the images and text used at the event... (one of my images was also used for Unathi Nkayi, whose portraits were photographed by Sabelo Mlangeni; I was flattered as she told me at the event she had wanted me to shoot her, but was quick to reassure her as to the stunning images Sabelo had gotten with his Holga, and she was blown away once she saw them.)
- Be True: Jason Wessenaar
- Be True: Lee Kasumba
- Be True: Louis Bolling
- Be True: Sibu Sibaca
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