Monday Morning You Look So Fine: Jax Panik

"Hey baby, pass the remote control,
Turn down the voices on the radio...
I sit in traffic for days,
Make plans to get out of this place,
(While you still have a chance)." - Jax Panik
Keep an eye out for the video, listen to it, and you'll understand. It got me through the weirdest homesickness I have ever had to endure. That said, I did love my time in Cape Town, and would like to thank:
- Rudi: Always a trooper, sunrise to sunset (and quite often from sunset to sunrise) who saved us at the airport come early, and handed over car keys with a graciousness that a Bedouin host would envy. Oh, and I owe you lunch buddy... next Chippies is on me.
- Donnet: For not calling down hellfire when we missed her (21st!) party, for kicking it at Royale and sharing a sunset with us from her BoKaap loft and for brining me a little something back from the Tian Tan Buddha in Hong Kong.
- Dominique and her family: For putting us up (and then me a further two days), for making the greatest soup and Dagwoods I have had in ages, for not telling anyone how we vegged and actually watched the Princess Diaries, and for waking me up at 2 in the morn all partied out, and then being embarrassed about it (there was no need)... Ingrid and I are really grateful.
- Andy Lund: For having the cutest sprog on earth and for ambushing me for breakfast one day and reminding me why I spend time with him, for kicking it like a gentleman at the Juicy Lucy and for playing me his new album which sounds like velvet.
- Punkskelm Productions: For Wynand and Brendan and all their co-operation with shoots and planning and all, and allowing me to regularly disrupt their work by just turning up unannounced and talking at them.
- Blaise: For being a true gentleman, for many a mellow chat, for posing for a project and providing me (once again) with a space to work in, and for what he has in plan for the future... keep an eye out for Darcy & Frankie.
- A King: For standing in freezing cold mountain air as various girlfriends held onto lights and I couldn't focus and we ran out of flares and almost set a farm on fire. It was Snake's idea. And it worked.
- Hunter: For being a good sport even as we threw the book at him (literally), for giving me a couch on my last day in town, for accompanying me on a weird Durbanville hills ramble (that got cut short for seafood) and for having the good sense to find someone as special as Jani (whom I must also thank, for the couch and the lift to the airport when Hunter could not be woken).
- Pierre Greef: For throwing the book at Hunter, for being something of an Afrikaans (and straight!) Oscar Wilde, for putting me up and feeding me (at what shall now be known as the Hotel/Restaurant /Bar Eet Greef), for having such grand parents that they still talk to me after reading the filthiest biography ever out loud in their kitchen, for specifically having a father that would wake me at 4:30 am to offer me coffee (my reputation, overblown, seems to have preceded me), for liking my music, for playing me his, for being my light tester and for letting me drive like a pig in more than one of his cars.
- Albert du Plessis: For thinking that I sieve filter coffee through my teeth, for buying my work, for raving about Breyten in Dutch, for taking me and members of die bende on a road trip to Sunset Studios and Valiant's house (where Valiant and I discussed sick kids, as our daughters are round about the same age) and for having a sense of humour that only a select few of us understand.
- Van Coke Kartel: For bearing with me through busy times... we'll get there Fran, no worries. Will watch the entire Godfather trilogy, and make you look like a star, I promise.
- Jax Panik: For looking as flustered as I did while we tried to get our heads round a concept, for head-butting a set of vertical blinds, and then for having a paddling pool on his roof. At the exact time as that wonderful cloud formation came over Welgemoed. Crazy.
- Waddy, Inge and the Blackheart Gang: For being part of phase one of the One Small Seed project, along with Hunter and Blaise, and for digging what I was up to as well as bringing their own suss along (especially Inge, who was sick at the time. Trouper).
- Ingrid: 'Cos she never said a word while our holiday turned into an assignment weekend, and because there is no one else on earth who will get why I get a kick out of spending a Friday night in a quiet Fishhoek Spur (and will likewise spend it with me).
I hope I forgot no one. If I did, I will no doubt make mention of it at the bottom of this post, were the updates are listed.


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