"The Man Used To Fly, He Used To Fly Easy..."
Been asked many times what came of that moment that I went sailing through the air. Well, for a start, I broke two ribs... the same two ribs that a crackhead broke for me a good few years before, after a party held in just about the same area. I got twinges of memory driving to the place... couldn't believe it as I drove home with my ribs all deja vu. Just a normal head this time... the one of the fan I landed on. But, two good things came of that idiot maneuver... one is the video above, shot by Andel. It serves to remind me to think, before I look... before I leap. The other good thing was the photograph... I have yet to grade it properly, so you are seeing it in it's raw state... the glow is from the rain being turned to mist by the heat of the mosh pit, a moment I caught by fluke as I rolled over Francois, as he continued to sing, and I continued to shoot, camera held aloft in the archetypal "Hail Mary" position. Thankfully the crowd passed us back over the fence surrounding the stage, and we never hit the ground...
It was to be one of the final pics in a book mock-up I had prepared and interviewed Fokofpolisiekar for... we have yet to see what comes of that, but in the meantime, Francois had this to say of it, one drunken night in Cape Town as we lay back on the sofa I was crashing on that week:
'Almal het gedink dit gaan ‘n kak vibe wees... maar dit was eintlik vir my lekker. Die mense was nog steeds fucked over met die weer… hulle het half mif gevoel. Jy het my onstage ge-tune jy gaan kom, maar ek het nie ‘n fok gedink jy gaan nie. Toe sien ek net die arm en die kamera in die lug en click click click click…' - Francois van Coke.
Yes... it was worth it.
Oh, and bonus points to Rudi if he can figure out where the blog's title came from... the points double if he comments here instead of on MySpace.