Saturday, May 17, 2008

They talk a lot for an instrumental band.

This is the kind of shit I get up to when cannot sleep: trawling sites like the Levi's Original Music Magazine for my favourite bands and (it turns out) what they have to say about me.

This all about a Kidofdoom gig I was down to shoot in Stellenbosch last year October, as told by the drummer and the guitarist... the very same show shown above (along with Lark manager Dom and then Doomer manager Elisma in the aftermath):

"Friday Left early with Peter to Cape Town to go pick up a guitar amp from Jeremy (Dirty Skirts). He was on his way to the beach. Then met up with Rudi (Ashtray Electric) and Liam Lynch to go fetch the lights at the Cape Town Convention Centre - that place is massive. Rudi has a bakkie so he really helped out a lot to transport the lighting to Stellenbosch. Rudi is cool, he taught me a new word "bedoos" and always uses phrases like "Yes my son". We got to Hidden Cellar quite early and set up the equipment and played some blues and polka music… Liam used to play for the Slashdogs so he picked up the bass and then we played some Black Sabbath…..Fuck Yeah!!! "- Johan

"I only got to leave Pretoria on Friday the 12th, the night of the launch. I still had a shitload of work to do for varsity; this was the last day I would hand in a project. Ever. Got onto the plane and was privileged enough to sit next to the two hottest girls flying to Cape Town. This was gonna be a great weekend. Madri and Elena: thanks for the company, best flight I've had this year. Dominique (Lark) picked me up and we missioned through to the Hidden Cellar. I get to the top of the stairs and there's Barend, Richard, Johan and Liam playing 12-bar blues in a place that really looks like the one where everybody knows your name." - Ryk

And damn right I played Sabbath! War Pigs could destroy your town right now!



Blogger Krokodil Ngwenya said...

We gotta show them we were "there" first!

Blogger Ben Rausch said...

So rad finally seeing some of your photos from that tour!

Blogger Liam Lynch said...

Krokodil: We do? Anyway, impressive bio on your profile there...

Ben: Yeah, dribs and drabs mate... there will be stuff along, no worries... one for you soon.


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