Saturday, September 06, 2008

Trying to return to Normal...

Sorry for delayed posts... sorry for delayed email responses... I get an obscene amount of mails these days. I struggle to reply at the best of times, and the "work" ones go back and forth all day long, that I never get a chance to reply to the ones I would really like to; the "fan" mails on Facebook and the requests for assistant work or portfolio reviews...
I promise to get through them all one day.




Blogger Alternative-kid said...

I’ve been reading this post for the past three hours and trying to make-up something that can potentially make you fell less sorry about this situation that you're in, then maybe make you feel proud of having hundreds of young people who admires your work, enjoys your company and who look up to you.

Blogger Liam Lynch said...

Not so sorry about the situation so much, just trying to handle it along with trying to prepare for A Claude Glass.

But thanks for the comment... and let's see some new work on that blog of yours... how is the project going?

Blogger Alternative-kid said...

nMy project! I’ll send you a massage about it on face book later.

About my blog; I have posted so much stuff in it that I look at this stage and I feel I was careless. I didn’t give myself time to look and re-look for accuracy for my posts. I am also frightened of putting up new stuff because I am often working on stuff that has potential for my project and I don’t want to show it off or maybe I should…I don’t know

Am starting a new and fresh one though


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