Thursday, January 12, 2006

New Year, Same Story... Different Book?

Sorry it's been quiet for so long... tour wore me out a bit, and I've been chilling with the family. Realised when I came home from almost the entire December on tour, that I could no longer adjust to ordinary sleeping patterns. Sad thing is, I have hardly taken any pictures, and that bugs me some. But more on that later; for now, welcome to the new blog (or, at least, the new "When?" of Question Everything.)

Hanu, The Narrow. Amamzimtoti, 19 Dec 2005.Oh, and here's one of Hanu for The Narrow fans that came here and felt Fokofpolisiekar was getting an unfair shake... ;-) Seriously though, I have had a few fans ask me about their shows of late, since I went on tour with both bands before. In the case of the Voelvryf Toer, with Fokofpolisiekar, was pretty much on assignment for die bende... but I did get some tight shot of my Pretoria homies as well. There will be more to follow, and The Narrow may even pick some up themselves, that you will then be able to find on their site.

Excuse the odd slips of Corne & Twakkie talk... I'm loving their show of late.



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